Company number 207160415
1. Introduction
Best Traders EOOD hereon referred to as the Company”, Best Traders EOOD”, is a
Company incorporated and registered under the laws of Bulgaria, with registration No.
207160415, registered at Bulgaria, 1404 Sofia, 49A Bulgaria Blvd., fl2, office 7.
2. Policy
This Policy for the Cookies (the “Policy”) provides an overview and explanation related to
the online use of the Company’s branded website - (hereafter
3. Cookies
When an individual visits certain web pages or performs particular actions on the
Company's website or other websites, small text files known as cookies may be stored by
their web browser on their computer or device. These cookies may be used to assist the
browser in recalling the visitor's preferences and displaying pertinent information, such as
items in their shopping cart, in order to prevent the visitor from being treated as a new
visitor each time they access a page.
Certain cookies are established only for the duration of a visitor's session ("Session
Cookies") in order to facilitate navigation and provide relevant information. Alternatively,
other cookies may be established for more extended periods ("Persistent Cookies") in
order to allow the browser to recall choices from prior visits. The cookies stored are not
capable of damaging a user's device, are anonymous, and specific to their browser. For
more detailed information about cookies please visit
4. How We Use Cookies
The Company uses cookies to:
i. help the Company find which services a client is interested in and remember
details about client’s application;
ii. monitor and analyse use of the website and for the technical administration of
the website iii. improve the website;
iii. generate and derive useful data and information concerning the interests,
characteristics, use and behavior of the visitors.
The Company refrains from storing sensitive information, such as a client's name or
address, in the Company's cookies, instead opting to include only an anonymous
reference to the individual in order to locate them. In addition, the Company may
periodically establish cookies to assist a user in navigating the site, improving their
experience, or providing essential information related to their interests.
The Company reserves the right to disclose aggregated information, which comprises of
non-identifying information and Log Data, including queries and offers generated from
Clients' usage of the website, to third parties for industry analysis, demographic profiling,
other commercial purposes, and targeted advertising of products and services. Such
shared aggregated information will not include any personally identifiable information.
The Company collaborates with government and law enforcement authorities, as well as
private entities, to enforce and abide by the law.
In addition, the Company may post additional ancillary privacy notices with respect to
specific services.
5. Visitor’s consent to collection and use of information
Please note that when a visitor accesses the Company’s website the Company collects
nonidentifiable information in the following ways:
Log Data;
Personal Information;
Cookies (including third party Cookies).
By using the Company’s Website and allowing Cookies on the browser gives the Company
access to certain information. Similarly, when manually submitting personal information to
Company’s website, you consent to the collection and use of that information as set out in
this Cookie Policy.
If there is a change in Company’s Cookie Policy the Company will post the changes on
Company’s website, so that users can be aware of the information collected and how these
data are used at all times.
Continued use of Company’s Website will signify that you agree to any such changes.
6. Cookies Settings
If a user does not want to receive certain categories of Cookies from the Company’s
Website, the individual can opt-out of them. The Company will need to set a Cookie so
that choices can be remembered on future visits to the website from the same browser.
Currently it is not technically possible to allow one to carry their settings between browsers
and devices, so the user needs to change these settings from each browser used.
Please note that the Company strives to honor a user's preferences, but there may be
instances where not all Cookies can be detected. If this is a concern, we recommend
adjusting the Cookie settings in the browser.
A user can choose to disable or block these cookies in the browser but without some of
them the Company’s site may not work properly, and the user experience will be affected.
7. Third-Party Cookies
In order to provide visitors with the best possible user experience, the Company may
collaborate with certain third parties to gather anonymous statistics on how the Website is
being utilized and to offer users additional information that may be of interest. During the
visit to the Website, the third-party partners may install their own Cookies as part of this
A "cookie" is a small text file that may be used to collect information about the User's
activity in connection with the Services and may be utilized to recall Personal Information
previously provided by a User, such as their user ID and password for Service(s) access.
Specifically, the Company's technology providers may use "Flash Cookies" and/or local
storage technologies to facilitate seamless account access for users and save their
account settings to their browsers. It is important to note that most browsers enable the
control of cookies, including their acceptance and removal.
8. Log Data
When a user accesses the Website, information is collected that the browser sends
whenever the Website, or an online service is visited (“Log Data”). This Log Data may
include, but is not limited to, user’s computer Internet Protocol address, browser type, the
web page visited before entering to the Website and information searched for on the
Website. In addition, if the Website is accessed via a mobile device, a PushID may be
collected, subject to the user’s consent as indicated in the mobile application, and a Mobile
9. Scope of the Policy and Third-Party Sites
This Policy applies only to the Company and its operating Website. The Company does
not exercise control over other websites, or over banners or links from within the Website.
These other websites, banners or links may place their own cookies or other files on your
computer, collect data or solicit personal information from you subject to such third party’s
privacy policy. We encourage you to read the privacy policies and other terms of such third
parties before accessing or using them.
10. Questions
If you have any questions regarding this policy, wish to access or change your information
or have a complaint, or if you have any questions about security on our Website, you may
email us at
11. Updates
The Company will perform a periodical review of this Policy, at least once a year. The
Policy is in line with the Company’s operational model, and therefore in case of any
changes in the operations, these will be properly reflected in this policy. The most up-
todate version of the Policy can be found on our Website.